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Grand Opening of Aicksn Longyan Flagship Store and New Product Launch Conference

Views : 62815
Update time : 2022-01-06 18:00:38

On January 3, 2022, the grand opening of Aicksn Longyan flagship store and the new product launch conference was held in Longyan City, Fujian Province.


Mr. Zeng Rupeng, President of Aicksn Environmental Protection Technology; Mr. Zhang Binlong, Deputy General Manager of Longyan Jianzhijia; Mr. Zhang Fengping, General Manager of Yanchao Decoration, Executive Vice President of Fuqing Longyan Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Cao Dingwang, General Manager of Shanghai Yunei Design; 1986 General Manager of Space Design, Iwagata Society Mr. Luo Dan, President; Mr. Yang Quan, General Manager of Muyibai International Design and Chairman of Lianchuanghui; Mr. Liu Peifu, General Manager of Pinlun Design and Chairman of the Board; Mr. Qiu Yiyuan, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Yonghe; Mr. Yu Jinquan, General Manager of Senyuan Environmental Protection And many industry insiders and media representatives attended related events.

Singing, dancing and singing are flourishing, and the opening celebration is very popular. The new product is released and everyone is paying attention.

In 1882, Aicksn was established to control and improve the global environment of sunlight, air and water. In 1892, Aicksn Mobil's "Mobil Lamp" brought light to the world. In 1997, Aicksn's purification "water purifier" brought health to the world. Aicksn is a high-tech enterprise integrating OEM, ODM and independent brands. The company's R&D team conducted research and analysis on China's environment and water quality. In 2009, it developed a third-generation smart kitchen water purifier suitable for China's water quality, which improved the drinking water safety of users. Aicksn has always followed the brand culture of "confidence", "conscience" and "grateful heart" to produce healthy and safe domestic water. So far, more than 100 million households around the world are using services and products provided by Aicksn, from household drinking water and food waste. With products such as processors, water softening, air purification, etc., Aicksn carefully crafts a whole-house intelligent purification solution that adapts to Chinese families.

Grand opening ceremony

Mr. Yu Jinquan, general manager of Senyuan Environmental Protection, said at the opening ceremony that the Aicksn Longyan flagship store will provide consumers with intelligent whole-house water purification, dehumidification and fresh air systems, and will return the trust and support of the general public with high-quality services.
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